Saturday, August 09, 2008

Camp of the 25th Missouri Volunteers, Union at Shiloh

In my novel, They Met at Shiloh, Robert and his pards find themselves standing at the edge of the Hamburg – Purdy road staring downhill at the gathering mass of Confederates preparing to march upon them. A steep slope of about 75 yards leads up to the camps of Peabody's brigade and the memorial to Colonel Everett Peabody surrounded now by trees and young forest. The 25th's camp site was their last stand before the regiment disintegrated and scattered along with the rest of Peabody's brigade.

Early on the morning of April 6th Peabody cobbled together a battalion of companies from his brigade for a recon force taking them through thick woods to the outskirts of Fraley Field where in the early morning light they beheld the divisions of Leonidas Polk's Corps marching towards them. Outnumbered and alone, the battalion stood at the edge of the Fraley farm and the forest and opened fire, holding the confederates at bay for a brief time, hoping to buy time for the rest of the army to prepare.

Counter marching a quarter of a mile they again formed in the field of the Seay farm where more companies of the brigade met them and another short, sharp fight ensued until their flanks were turned and they again counter marched to their camp sites atop the rise where Peabody was later killed.

Much has been made of the federal commands lack of preparations and defenses prior to the attack and of the disdain displayed by key commanders as to any hint of a threat. Peabody, censured for his constant cry of "wolf" is notable for the prescient early morning patrols he'd been sending out towards Michie's Crossroads. Although unaware of the eminent avalanche descending upon his companies, Peabody did not believe the scoffing of his superiors. Having bumped into Polk's advancing lines; the recon patrol forced a delay in the advance. The 25th Missouri, after a brief stand at the outskirts of their camp, retreated through it and tried to stand on the other side until outflanked.

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